We Empower You

Our services help women through pregnancy up to their baby’s 3rd birthday.

First visits to HELP are Walk-in visits during operating hours
Mon. – Thurs. 9:30am – 2:30pm

Your Plan. Your Goals.

In keeping with its mission, HELP’s goal is to promote the healthy development of babies from conception through age three – the most crucial years of life. Additionally, it strives to ensure that every client will leave HELP feeling more empowered to make informed decisions.

HELP has developed a number of programs to meet its goals. Information about health, sexuality and pregnancy is available, as well as free and confidential pregnancy testing. The Knights of Columbus donated a state-of-the-art ultrasound machine and, because of the expertise of a volunteer medical director, HELP is able to expand its capabilities in this area. Some have the opportunity to select maternity clothing and, just prior to giving birth, each mother is provided a layette of baby essentials, which enables her to be prepared to take the baby home from the hospital.

Have questions or want to learn more?

View and share our printable brochures/bulletin resources.

Young woman walking through a field of flowers, considering her pregnancy options.

For after-hours assistance or for a center near you, visit: http://optionline.org/get-help/ OptionLine has live chat and phone assistance available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Our Programs

Maternity Clothing Program

Expectant mothers will periodically have the opportunity to select maternity clothing.

Safe Sleep Program

The Safe Sleep program was developed in the fall of 2013 to provide a Pack ‘n Play to any parent without a crib for their infant, ensuring peace of mind that baby is safe while sleeping.


Women, just prior to giving birth, are provided a layette which contains baby essentials which enable the mother to feel prepared to take the baby home.

HELP Program

The walk-in program, provides formula, food, diapers, clothing and other essentials on a monthly basis until the child’s third birthday. Clients are linked to community resources related to pre- and postnatal care, adoption, housing, food pantries and legal or social services. HELP also supports women who struggle with the aftermath of abortion by connecting them with support services within the community, such as Project Rachel and Surrendering the Secret. These services provide encouragement and healing from abortion-related trauma.

Loving Arms Program

Through the Loving Arms program, expectant and recent mothers set up scheduled appointments to view instructional videos on a wide range of topics, such as health, sexual integrity, child care, development and discipline. This incentive-based program awards points to the client that are exchanged for baby and personal care items that can be chosen from the Loving Arms Boutique

After giving birth, this incentive-based program guarantees the client points that are exchanged for baby and personal care items that can be chosen by the new mother in our “Loving Arms Boutique.”

You're Not Alone.

HELP exists as a place where all options can be explored.

Special Holiday Hours

HELP is closed for the holidays….
New Years 1/1/25- 1/5/25 returning on 1/6/25
We Look Forward To Seeing You In The New Year!