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Fun Facts About Baby Development in Utero

When you think about it, pregnancy is such a fascinating concept. For nine months, your body is growing and changing and developing. From the outside, you know you are pregnant because your belly is growing, but you don’t actually get to see what’s going on inside of you. 

Here is a quick overview of what is happening during each trimester of pregnancy. 

First Trimester (0-13 weeks)

The first trimester is the most surreal. You probably don’t look pregnant quite yet, but your constant morning sickness is saying otherwise. There is a ton of change happening during those early stages of pregnancy. Not only is your body keeping itself alive and functioning properly, but it’s also working overtime to provide everything necessary to support your already rapidly growing baby. Here are just a few of the things happening during the first trimester:

  • Did you know your baby’s heart will beat approximately 54 million times before the baby is born?! It will start to beat for the first time around 3 weeks after conception. 
  • As early as 6 weeks, the baby exhibits reflexes (grasping, moving their jaw, pointing their toes in response to touch) and can even roll over
  • By 6.5 weeks, the baby’s heart has 4 chambers and is already mostly complete. At this point, it beats more than 160 times per minute! Most other organs begin to develop, such as the brain and spinal cord
  • Baby can swallow and their bowel movements begin at around 6 weeks
  • Your baby can start having hiccups as early as 7 weeks
  • At 9 weeks, the baby can sigh and has started sucking its thumb
  • 75% of all babies show right-hand dominance at 8 weeks (the other 25% show either left-hand preference or no preference)

Second Trimester (14-26 weeks)

For many women, the second trimester is seen as the “easiest” when it comes to symptoms. Morning sickness and fatigue tend to significantly lessen (or go away completely) and energy levels start to return. Most women say they start to feel more like themselves again, but by no means does this mean that your body isn’t still working extra to develop that fast-growing baby! In the second trimester…

  • Your baby can hear both inside and outside of the womb at 16 weeks. Your baby can hear the sounds going on inside of your body, such as your heartbeat, your breathing and can also hear you talk and sing (research shows that babies can actually react to the sound of their mother’s voice and likely finds these sounds comforting!)
  • Although your baby’s not opening them quite yet, their eyes are developed by 20 weeks 
  • Fingerprints and toeprints have formed and fingernails have grown on the tips of the fingers and toes

Third Trimester (27-40+ weeks)

You’re almost there! Baby is now developed enough to live outside of the womb, but this added time allows it to gain strength and size. Baby might start to push on your bladder and move around more. Some fun facts about baby development in the third trimester: 

  • At 27 weeks, your baby’s eyes open. It’s site is a bit blurry, but he/she can distinguish between light and dark and can detect light streaming in from outside of your body (if you were to hold a flashlight up to your belly, baby can see it!)
  • By the third trimester, a baby can tell the difference between his mother’s voice and others and has even developed a more favorable response to certain voices
  • By the end of your pregnancy, your uterus is 500-1000 times its normal size!

While an ultrasound gives you a glimpse of your baby in utero, it is hard to completely comprehend all that is happening beneath the surface. These nine months of pregnancy can feel long and hard, but some of the most essential developments in life happen during this time.

If you would like more information on your growing baby, or if you believe you may be pregnant, reach out to us. HELP Pregnancy Aid is here for you during every stage of your pregnancy. 


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